Our visit to St Helena was instigated by a story that revolves around one particular wreck – the DarkDale, but over a few days of diving...
St Helena, sitting out in the Southern Atlantic between Africa and South America, is one of the most remote diving destinations in the world. Its location...
Nick and Caroline visit St Helena to dive its many wrecks and rocky reefs that are teeming with wildlife… St Helena is one of the most...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...
After 20 years of research and lobbying efforts, the Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF) is thrilled to announce a major legislative victory for ocean life in Mozambique....
In this exclusive Zoom interview, Jeff Goodman, Scubaverse Editor-at-Large, chats to Esther Jacobs, Social Media and Conservation Manager at Oceans Research. Originally from Scotland and working in...
Over 480 ships have been wrecked off the coast of Mauritius over the last 400 years. Most of them have disintegrated or disappeared. You will not...
Three years ago when I first started writing about Mauritius as a diving destination PADI had the World’s largest Oceanographic state with a GPS Mauritius pin...
Lauren Peel has a BSc (Hons.) in Zoology from University of Western Australia. She is currently a PhD candidate in marine biology at University of Western...
A new study published in the journal Endangered Species Research has revealed that juvenile whale sharks swim to Madagascar, a newly-identified hotspot for these huge fish, to feed....
Our first dive trip to Mauritius happened by chance when a couple of our good friends decided to get married and invited us to join them...
In this ongoing series, we speak to the people who run dive centres, resorts and liveaboards from around the world about their businesses and the diving...